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Web hosting Agora Shopping Cart.

Agora Shopping Cart


How do I install and configure the Agora Shopping Cart?


Please follow the below steps to ensure that your cart is properly setup and configured.


Installing Agora
From the 'Agora Cart Setup' icon within your account control panel:

1) Set the administrator's username and password.
2) Type in a store_name in the third text box.
3) Click the 'Install' button.


Logging Into the Store Manager
1) In the new window that appears, click on the name of the shopping cart
that you just created underneath the words 'Modify an existing Cart'.

2) You'll be prompted to type in your username and password. Type in the
username and password that you set in the previous step.

3) Again you will be prompted for your username and password. Again, type
in the username and password that you set in the previous step. (You may
want to bookmark this page as it is your shopping cart's administrative area.)


Getting To The Main Agora Settings Page
After logging into the Store Manager:

1) Click the 'Program Settings' link.

2) Click the 'Main Agora Store Settings' button to go to the 'Main Agora
Store Settings Page'.


The Main Agora Settings Page
The 'Main Agora Store Settings Page' will have most of the values set for
you. You only need to change the three below.

1) Please select your Primary Payment Gateway:

Here you choose how you'd like to process your orders. From the pulldown
menu select Offline, AuthorizeNet, IntelliPay, iTransact, or LinkpointHTML.

Offline means that you'd like to have your orders logged and you will
process them offline through your own credit card software.
The order is logged to a text file on the server and also e-mailed to the
merchant. For security, the text file on the server will contain the type
of credit card that is being used and the first eight digits of the credit
card number. The e-mailed copy of the order that is sent to the merchant
will contain the last eight digits of the credit card number, and the
expiration date.

Important: The location of the text file where half of the payment
information is logged is as follows:

In other words, when you FTP to your account go to your public_html
directory, then the <store_name> directory, and the the log_files directory.
There you should see a file named 'your_order.log', which can be downloaded
and viewed.

Note: In the examples above replace <store_name> with your store's name
(see Step 2 of the 'Installing Agora' section).

Again, the other half of the payment information is mailed to you.

While it is a housekeeping chore to collate these two files to obtain
the full credit card information, it is also more secure. Many people
have problems setting up PGP encryption on their server, so this seemed
to be a resonable alternative. Plus, PGP technically needs to be purchased
for commercial use.

For real time credit card processing, Agora.cgi 4.0 currently allows you
to use choose from AuthorizeNet, IntelliPay, iTransact, or LinkpointHTML.

If you wish to use one of these options you must first set up a merchant
account through one of the links below.


2) Do you wish to have orders e-mailed to you?

Put a valid email address in this box. This is the email address that
payment information is sent to. Note: If you use the email address that's
already in the text box, remove the 'www' from the address.

3) Enter the email address of your webmaster or administrator here:

Put a valid email address in the box. This is the email address that
appears as the return address when the customer is sent an order confirmation
email. A customer service email address is a good choice for this.
Note: If you use the email address that's already in the text box, remove
the 'www' from the address.

Once you have entered all of the data above, click the 'Submit' button.

Gateway Settings
You should see a message stating, 'System settings have been successfully
updated. Check your Gateway Settings here.'

Click the 'Gateway Settings' link.

Depending upon how you've decided to process orders, you will be required
to enter gateway settings. Below are the different processing options
along with their corresponding settings.

Offline Processing:
If you've chosen to process your orders offline, you will only be asked
to enter one more piece of data.

1) Please enter the Secure URL to your agora.cgi store.

Enter the Secure URL below. Replace <account_username> with your account's
username. Replace <store_name> with your store's name (see Step 2 of the
'Installing Agora' section).


Note: Your account username can be found in the Account Setup Confirmation
Email that was sent to you when your account was initially setup. If you
did not receive the Account Setup Confirmation Email please contact your
Support Department.

AuthorizeNet Processing:
Please contact AuthorizeNet for the values to use for your gateway settings The instructions below should help as well.
If you've chosen to use AuthorizeNet, you'll be asked to enter some additional
information. Most of it is self explanatory, and will be used to customize the
AuthorizeNet orderform. It is no longer necessary for you to have a secure server
on your end to use Agora.cgi with AuthorizeNet. All order data is now collected
on the AuthorizeNet secure server.

1) 'Gateway Username'

Enter a valid username provided to you by AuthorizeNet

2) 'Secure URL to your Gateway's server'

This is most likely:

3) 'Complete URL to the logo you'd like to display on your
orderform. This MUST be a secure https URL. You can also leave
this blank if you prefer.'

Enter the Secure URL below. Replace <account_username> with your account's
username. Replace <store_name> with your store's name (see Step 2 of the
'Installing Agora' section). Replace <image_name.gif> with the name of an
image file that you uploaded to your images directory with FTP.<store_name>/html/images/<image_name.gif>

Note: Your account username can be found in the Account Setup Confirmation Email
that was sent to you when your account was initially setup. If you did not
receive the Account Setup Confirmation Email please contact your Support Department.
4) 'Background color of your orderform.'
5) 'Text Color'
6) 'Link Color'

The three settings above are all self explanatory customization variables....

7) 'Enter the text that you'd like displayed at the top of
your orderform.'
8) 'Enter the text that you'd like displayed at the bottom
of your orderform.'

Self explanatory....

9) 'Enter the text that you'd like displayed at the top of
your receipt page.'
10) 'Enter the text that you'd like displayed at the bottom
of your receipt page.'

Self explanatory...

11) 'Enter the text that you'd like displayed at the top of
your customer's e-mail receipt.'

12) 'Enter the text that you'd like displayed at the bottom
of your customer's e-mail receipt.'

The e-mail receipt is sent to the customer by AuthorizeNet
after the order is processed.

iTransact Processing:
Please contact iTransact for the values to use for your gateway settings
( The instructions below should help as well.

If you've chosen to use iTransact, you'll be asked to enter
some additional information. Most of it is self explanatory, and
will be used to customize the iTransact orderform. It is no
longer necessary for you to have a secure server on your end to use
Agora.cgi with iTransact. All order data is now collected
on the iTransact secure server...

1) 'Gateway Username'

Enter a valid username provided to you by iTransact

2) 'Secure URL to your Gateway's server'

This is most likely:

3) 'Enter the name of your business here.'

Self explanatory

4) 'Are setup to accept credit cards through iTransact'
Select '0' for no, '1' for yes.'

5) 'Are you setup to accept checks through iTransact'
Select '0' for no, '1' for yes.'

6) 'Are you setup to accept EFT through iTransact'
Select '0' for no, '1' for yes.'

These three variables need to be answered correctly for
your specific account. If you are unsure of any of these,
contact iTransact support for assistance.

7) 'Do you want to allow customers to enter an alternate
shipping address' Select '0' for no, '1' for yes.'

If you answer yes to this, the iTransact orderform will
allow customers to enter a shipping address that is
different from the billing address. Depending on your
business, you may or may not want to allow this.

8) 'Enter the text that you'd like to appear in the body
of the confirmation e-mail sent to the customer.'

This is the e-mail that is sent to the customer by iTransact
after the order is processed.

IntelliPay Processing:
Please contact IntelliPay for the values to use for your gateway
settings (

Linking To The Store From Your Website
At this point you've setup a working store that can be accessed by
going to:


To link to the store from any of your Web pages, put the following
in your html:

/<store_name>/agora.cgi>Go To My Store

Note: In the examples above replace <> with your account
domain name. Be sure to put the 'www' before your domain name. Also,
replace <store_name> with your store's name (see Step 2 of the 'Installing
Agora' section).

When you go to the links above you'll see some example categories and products
that need to be replaced with your own categories and products. The following
sections show you how to customize your store with your own categories and

Adding To, Deleting From, and Editing Your Product Offering
Adding, deleting, and editing products is fairly intuitive and can be done by
accessing the corresponding buttons from within your Store Manager. Instructions
for logging into the Store Manager were provided in the 'Logging Into the
Store Manager' section above.

Using GPG To Send Encrypted Data Over Email (Advanced and Optional)
Although the method of sending half of the order information to your email
account and retrieving the other half from your account via FTP should be
enough security for most, the ability to use GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard) is
supported by your account and the store software that you've just installed.

If you wish to send customer order data using GPG, you must have the ability
to generate a key pair on your local machine. Once you've generated the key
pair, you may add the ascii-armored public_key to the keyring via the Store
Manager. Below are the steps for setting up your store to encrypt form data
via GPG. Note: Using this method all of the order data is sent to you via

1. Create a directory on your local computer as follows: C:gnupg
2. Download GPG from and unzip/extract
3. GPG and it's associated files to your C:gnupg directory.
4. Generate a key pair for yourself i.e. generate a private_key and a
5. public_key on your local machine for the person that the order data will
be sent to. To start the interactive key generation session type
'gpg '-gen-key' from a DOS command prompt while in your C:gnupg directory.
6. Below is what the GPG interactive key generation session will look like.
Note: The GPG handbook describes this and everything else you need to
know about GPG, and can be found at

gpg '-gen-key

Please select what kind of key you want: (1)DSA and ElGamal

What keysize do you want' 768

Please specify how long the key should be valid. 0

Key does not expire at all' Is this correct' y

Real name: Jon Doe
Email address: (type the email address that your orders are being sent to)
Change (N)ame,(C)omment,(E)mail, or (O)kay/(Q)uit' O

You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (type a Passphrase here and remember it because you'll need it to decrypt order data)

Public and secret key created and signed.

7. To confirm that the key pair that you just created was added type
'gpg '-list-keys' from the DOS command prompt while in your C:gnupg
directory as follows:

gpg --list-keys



8. Output the public key that you just created to a text file as
follows: Note: In the example below, the output text file is
named 'support.gpg'. 

9. Open the text file that contains the public key in a text editor
such as Notepad. The example above would have ouput the public
key data to a file located at C:gnupgsupport.gpg
10. Highlight and copy the file contents. Below is an example of
what a public key looks like. When highlighting and copying the file
contents be sure to copy the whole thing including the '-----BEGIN'
line and the '-----END' line.


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)

Comment: For info see





















11. From your Store Manager
i.e. http://<>/<store_name>/protected/manager.cgi click on
the GnuPG/PGP link at the top. Note: In the path above, replace <>
with your account domain name and replace <store_name> with your store's name.

12. Fill out the settings as specified in the following steps (Note: leave the settings
as they are unless specified otherwise).

Do you wish to have orders encrypted in the log file and email' Select 'Yes'

Please choose how to encrypt and/or verify orders on your host server: Select 'GPG'

Path to GPG: /usr/bin/gpg

E-mail address to use to lookup an encryption key on the keyring: Use the email
address that you used to generate the key pair. Note: This should be the
same address that you opted to have order data sent to.

Convert Newlines to anything' Leave Alone

Paste an "ascii-armored" public key to add to the keyring here: Here is where you
paste the public_key that you generated in step 2 above. Note: There is no need
to join the newlines at the end of each line i.e. just copy and paste the public
key and don't alter it in any way.

Hit 'Submit'


Congratulations! Now when order data is sent to you, you will receive it in a GPG
encrypted format. To decrypt the data that is sent to you:

1. Copy the contents of the email that you receive to a text file, and when you save
it, give it a '.gpg' file extension. For this example we'll name the file 'order1.gpg'.
2. Put the 'order1.gpg' file in your C:gnupg directory.
3. From a DOS prompt while in the gnupg directory type the following:

gpg --output order1.txt --decrypt order1.gpg

4. Open order1.txt in a text editor to view the order data in a human readable format.



What payment gateways are supported by the Agora Shopping Cart?


2Checkout, AgoraPay,, eWay, iTransact, LinkPoint Connect, PayFlow Link, PayPal, PayPal IPN, Plug 'n Pay, ProPay, PsiGate, Verisign PayFlow Link.

For a complete list, visit