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Infotx Web Hosting Guide and Web Hosting Reviews

Site Building Guides:

Website Building Tools. The main site builders currently in use are .. [more]


Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop, is a graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Systems. It is the current market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation .. [more]


Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver, is a web development tool originally created by Macromedia (now part of Adobe Systems) .. [more]


Microsoft FrontPage. One of the notable features of FrontPage is its built-in support for automated web templates. The main distinction between these templates and HTML templates generated by other products is .. [more]


ColdFusion. ColdFusion is an application server and software development framework used for the development of computer software in general, and dynamic web sites in particular. In this regard, ColdFusion is a similar product to Microsoft ASP.NET, Java Enterprise Edition or PHP .. [more]


HTML Editors. An HTML editor is a software application for creating web pages. Although the HTML markup of a web page can be written with any text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer convenience and added functionality .. [more]


HTML Tutorial. In this HTML tutorial you will learn how to use HTML to create your own web site .. [more]


MySQL. MySQL is one of the most powerful SQL servers and its free .. [more]


PHP. PHP, is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language .. [more]

Site Marketing:

10 Ways to Promote Your Site. Most people submit to the search engines, do nothing else. If they thought about it some more, they'd realise that there are other things hugely important if you want your site to be attracting .. [more]


Banner Blindness. The most prominent result from the new eyetracking studies is not actually new. Users almost never look at anything that looks like an advertisement, whether or not it's actually an ad .. [more]


Web Hosting


We have researched most of the hosting companies. The best web hosting out there is at Hostmonster.


Web Hosting Options


hostingHow do I get my site on the Internet? The simple answer to that question is that someone has to host your web site. You will need a good web hosting service.


There are basically two types of web hosting, virtual (shared) and dedicated. With a virtual hosting solution your site is hosted on the same directory as other web sites. With dedicated web site hosting you have your own physical web site server (machine) and so do not share the bandwidth, the memory (RAM) and the speed of the processor with other web sites. You don't actually own the server but you get the dedicated use of it and your own bandwidth allocation.


If your site uses PHP or ASP (active server pages) you need to bear this in mind when choosing a web host. Your choice of web host is important because it must be able to serve up your web pages fast. Some web hosting providers try and host too many sites with the result that all the websites on a server compete for the same bandwidth and the sites slow down. Of course there are other reasons for slow-loading pages such as images that have not been optimised.


Virtual web hosting solutions are ideal for the individual or small business that does not want the expense of their own dedicated server but does want the reliability, service and features that a free web hosting service cannot provide.


Dedicated web hosting solutions are ideal for larger businesses that want to run their own software or database applications. This would not normally be possible on a shared hosting platform. You can also choose which operating system to host your applications on.


There is also colocated hosting where you actually own the physical server but keep it in a data center which manages a number of other servers. This would only be important if you wanted to have control of the type of hardware your site or applications are hosted on and the hosting provider does not offer these.


Data centers are usually buildings dedicated to providing services to ISPs and hosting services. Their focus is on managing the hosting environment and providing the connectivity to the internet.




serversOne more very important factor to consider when choosing a website host is what platform you need. Web site hosting on a LINUX platform is different from hosting a web site using a Windows platform. The major difference is the type of applications you can use on each platform.


For example, if you want to host an Access database on a Windows platform, you would probably be using ASP (Active Server Pages) - a scripting language designed for a Windows platform but if you were hosting the database on a Linux or FreeBSD server, Perl or PHP would probably be your choice. The choice is important if you are transferring your web site from one hosting provider to another or if you want to run a web application that requires a specified operating system.


If you don't have a solution yet I would recommend LINUX Hosting because since it is open-source, there is a lot of free software available you can use on your site.


Free web hosting


web hostingThere are a number of free hosting services that can host your site for free. Most however have their limitations but are fine for fun or personal sites. For a business or marketing site we would recommend that you host on a full service web hosting service.


Basically with hosting you get what you pay for. If you are running just a personal website then a free host is fine - however if you have a business I recommended that you choose a good hosting service for 2 main reasons:

  1. You can host your own domain name which sounds more professional.

  2. The speed your pages download is usually much faster on a paying host especially at peak times because your site is allocated a minimum bandwidth. However on free services the bandwidth is shared by so many other websites

The paid hosting solutions also offer a number of features not usually offered on free web hosts, such as multiple email aliases, autoresponders, the ability to manage your website yourself without knowing how to design a webpage, shopping cart software, etc..


Web Hosting Guides:

Web Site Hosting. Hosting services vary widely .. [more]


Hosting Services. An Internet hosting service is a service that runs Internet servers .. [more]


Data Centers. A data center is a facility used to house computer systems .. [more]


cPanel. cPanel ("Control Panel") is a graphical web-based web-hosting control panel .. [more]


VDeck. The two most common control panels are: cpanel and vdeck .. [more]


Fantastico. Fantastico is a commercial script library which automates the installation of web applications to a website .. [more]


Plesk. Plesk provides a graphical web based interface which allows the user to configure the most common server management tasks .. [more]


Web Servers. The term web server can mean one of two things: .. [more]


Service Level Agreement. SLA is that part of a service contract where the level of service is formally defined .. [more]


Photo Hosting. Photo hosting generally requires more server space and more bandwidth. We have compiled a list of the best hosts to use for photo hosting .. [more]


Free Web Hosting. Usually advertisement-supported and of limited functionality .. [more]


Shared Hosting. This is generally the most economical option for hosting as many .. [more]


Reseller Hosting. The reseller purchases the host's services wholesale and then sells them .. [more]


Virtual Dedicated Servers. VDS or VPS is a method of partitioning a physical server computer into multiple servers .. [more]


Dedicated Hosting. Dedicated hosting, dedicated server, or managed hosting is a type of internet hosting where .. [more]


Colocation Hosting. A colocation centre (collocation center) ("colo") is a type of data center where multiple customers locate networks and servers .. [more]


Clustered Hosting. Clustered hosting "virtualizes" the resources beyond the limits of one physical server, and as a result, a website is not limited to one server .. [more]


Overselling. Overselling is a term used in the web hosting industry to .. [more]


SE Optimization:

Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines .. [more]


Google Search Engine. A crucial part of Google's inner sanctum that the company treats like a state secret .. [more]



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